Friday, September 6, 2013

Do something.

Well, I am back after an unexpected and long hiatus.  Since I have last posted, I have finished my internship at Target, received a job offer to start at Target full time as an executive when I graduate in May, and have started my senior year.

Senior year is the first of many lasts for me.  It is the last time I will probably see a lot of my college friends all together for a very long time.  It is the last time I will ever be able to get to complete the full college experience.  Over the summer, I saw my senior year as a joke. My classes were easy.  I wasn't taking many hours.   I didn't have much going on.  But now, I see my senior year as a final way to make an impact.  School has been going on for only two weeks and I already feel as if I am as busy as I was last semester.  I find myself adding on new opportunities to get involved and try and make a difference.

It will be interesting to see how the rest of my senior year goes.  I am sad but excited to make this last year count and make it the best year of college.